B-VITAL totale is constituted by high and balanced doses of B vitamins and folic acid.
B-VITAL totale ingredients per 1.5 cc:
- Inositol 25 mg
- Panthotenic acid 9 mg
- vitamin B6 6 mg
- Vitamin B2 1.4 ,g
- Vitamin B1 2.1 mg
- Vitamin B12 18 mcg
- Folic acid 400 mcg
Iranian registration code(IRC): 1603115488742665
B-VITAL totale supports several important organism functions, including:
- Normal energy metabolism
- The physiological haematopoesis
- The homocystein metabolism
- Improve nervous system function
Recommended dose:
0-3 years: 0.5 cc per day
4-10 years: 1 cc per day
> 11 years: 1.5 cc per day
*Dosage is facilitated thanks to the graduated pipette. Shake before use.
Storage conditions:
*Store at controlled room temperature (15-25 °C).
*Avoid exposure to localized heat sources, direct sunlight and contact with water.